The Grinch doesn't want to practice until he sees himself throw massive amounts of water and float over every section imaginable. Does that sound familiar? Ha!
But to be serious for a moment and improve at anything, one must practice. So how do you practice surfing when surfing is not practicing? After 47 years of wave riding and 30 years of studying, applying, immersing, and teaching surfing, the only way I know of is to learn and practice Wave Ki. Wave Ki is a learning method, meaning you learn while moving. Sharpening your skills by building body awareness and connection every single time you practice.
Surfing is the reward, and you can feel the difference. There can be no thinking, talking to oneself, or trying too hard to help you improve while surfing. Why? Because our best surfing comes when everything feels easy. There are no correct positions in surfing no perfect arm placements; there is only balance, leverage, control, acceleration, and connection to the wave. Freedom of expression is the ultimate buzz. What's important to know and remind yourself before every surf is; feeling free to make mistakes is how we learn. This playful state of mind or attitude not only makes every surf fun but is vital to creating an atmosphere for improvement, which can be cultivated through intention for every surfer.
Wave Ki is the number one way to improve your surfing throughout your surfing life. It's for all levels and all ages. There is always something new you can learn and add to your surfing. Wave Ki is a constantly evolving method because we learn from every wave we ride. I've yet to see any other method close to Wave Ki for improving your surfing skills and helping your body stay healthy and mobile for your highest surfing potential.