INSIGHT - Control on Big Waves.

One of the most challenging things to do in powerful surf is to control the surfboard, this is partly because of the instantaneous high speed from take off. A key to harnessing this speed is to establish control from the very instant the feet touch the board and keeping the head over the surfboard during the ride. We teach the technique of how and when to tilt the surfboard so the rail goes into the water without using your head to lean in the Wave Ki method. Contrary to what you might have read or heard from other surf schools/instructors we believe through experience that most of the time “leaning” is not good technique. This is because it can cause you to slide out and lose control, usually from going over a bump or lump you didn't see. Even perfect waves have lots of lumps, bumps, boils, seaweed etc... To learn this and many other counter intuitive things that will help you become a more competent and confident surfer, come along the journey and start your Wave Ki practice today.